Recommend learning resources skills-based

Users receive recommendations based on the skills gaps, learning preferences, budget and location.
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learning content connected to skill
learning integration with skill system skillties

We connect millions of learning initiatives with skills

Every new skill in Skillties automatically connects with the right learning initiatives within seconds.
  • Skillties comes with thousands of free learning content, from podcasts to great blog articles.
  • You can even add your learning content and existing learning systems.
Slack Skill Mapping NotificationMicrosoft Teams Skill Mapping Notification

We connect millions of learning initiatives with skills

skill content mapper
Every new skill in Skillties automatically connects with the right learning initiatives within seconds.
  • Skillties come with thousands of free learning content, from podcasts to great blog articles.
  • You can even add your learning content and existing learning systems.
skill content mapper mobileskill card and learning card skillties

Recommendations that just make sense

Since your employees constantly evaluate themselves and are enrolled in job profiles, Skillties knows their skills gaps. And we are closing them.
  • Individual recommendations are based on the employee's learning preferences, learning budget, skill gaps or individual skill level.
  • Various daily learning nuggets such as blog articles and day-long training.

Recommendations that just make sense

skill based onboarding
Since your employees constantly evaluate themselves and are enrolled in job profiles, Skillties knows their skills gaps. And we are closing them.
  • Individual recommendations are based on the employee's learning preferences, learning   budget, skill gaps or individual skill level.
  • Various daily learning nuggets such as blog articles and day-long training.
onboarding skill based

Mandatory training

Sometimes it's required for employees to conduct specific (internal) learning initiatives.
  • Use Skillties for employee onboarding.
Slack Skill Mapping NotificationMicrosoft Teams Skill Mapping Notification

Mandatory training

skill based onboarding with skillties
Sometimes it is required for employees to conduct specific (internal) learning initiatives.
  • Track mandatory courses and training like annual data protection seminars.
  • Use Skillties for employee onboarding.

Skillties offers access to over 30,000 courses. We can also integrate industry-specific content, your internal materials, blogs, podcasts, and much more.

What industry experts say about us

"Skills-based development is key for individual and, above all, targeted development. Developing skills that are truly relevant and value-creating. Skillties is state of the art here!"

Thomas Perlitz

Principal, Allygatr
"Skill management is the central theme of our human resource development strategy. For edding, it is important not only to capture and evaluate skills but also to show our 800 employees worldwide the appropriate, individual learning initiatives to close any possible gaps. We are convinced that with the holistic, AI-supported software from Skillties, we will succeed in this transformation to a skills-based organization."

René Freyer

Director Human Relations & Organisational Development, Edding AG

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